At least this site is watching feeds and giving us something. Here are the Daytime Highlights (will post the rest of the day tomorrow morning when posted)
From Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 25, 2023:
9:15 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
9:20 AM BBT – Felicia and Jared are talking about if Jared comes back into the house. Jared says that if he does, he is starting fresh and learning to say less. Felicia says she normally starts a conversation by asking how people are feeling and see what they share with her first.
9:35 AM BBT – Felicia says that she thinks they would have to backdoor Jag, but Jared says that at this point in the game, backdooring someone isn’t necessary because it all depends on who is sitting next to them. Felicia thinks that Jag/Matt would force them to go against each other.
9:55 AM BBT – Cory and Jared are talking about how complicated the game is getting as the numbers dwindle.
10:06 AM BBT – Jared tells Cory that there is one person he felt wronged him and he can honestly say that Cory and America weren’t one of the people who he felt did him wrong (implying that Felicia is the one that he feels wronged him the most).
10:25 AM BBT – Jared is talking to America now and he tells her that he just wanted her to know that she doesn’t need to explain her part in evicting him because he understands why she did. He mentions that there are other people that he wanted an explanation from, but her and Cory weren’t one of them.
10:34 AM BBT – Jared tells America that for him, he took his shot at them and they took their shot at him, if he comes back into the house, he is considering it a clean slate with them.
10:40 AM BBT – Jared tells America that he knows that him trying to work with Cory without America was a problem and that’s where he went wrong with them.
10:42 AM BBT – Jared tells America that if he stays, the four of them (Jared, Cory, Blue, and America) have to get in a room.
10:50 AM BBT – America tells Jared that she thinks that there is a path for them to work together. Says that the only reason they didn’t before was because they never communicated and because of that there was a lack of trust.
10:55 AM BBT – Felicia and America talk about how everyone is being buddy-buddy with Cameron thinking he is going to stay.
10:58 AM BBT – Felicia tells America that she thinks that this has been good for both Cameron and Jared because it made them reflect on their game.
11:01 AM BBT – Cirie tells Jag she owes him an apology. She says that she just went along with what everyone was saying and doing (in regard to working against him). She says that she is really sorry because she does want to play this game with him.
11:20 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt and Blue that he had a good conversation with Cirie. He seems to feel good about their conversation.
11:30 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt that they should talk to Felicia and see how she would feel working with the two of them. Matt wants to find out who she might target if she wins.
11:34 AM BBT – Jag asks Matt how he feels about working with Meme moving forward and Matt says he’d be worried about making her mad. Jag says he also doesn’t want to lump her and Felicia together. Jag asks about Blue and Matt says that he feels good with her, but he would be worried if Jared comes back in.
11:38 AM BBT – Jag and Matt talk about how they are good with Bowie. Says that it’s good that they have both Blue and Bowie, but Blue and Bowie aren’t good with each other which is good for them.
11:40 AM BBT – America is telling Blue about her conversation with Jared.
11:41 AM BBT – Matt and Jag are counting all the people they are good with inside the house. They basically think they are good with everyone, but they feel a bit iffy about Jared.
11:46 AM BBT – Blue and America agree that the target on Cirie is fading, but the target on Felicia is getting bigger.
11:58 AM BBT – America tells Matt that she had a conversation with Jared and he basically told her that he was targeting Felicia and Meme for voting against him.
12:00 PM BBT – Matt tells America that he isn’t going to put up whoever stays. Matt wants to put together a F6 with him, America, Cory, Blue, Jag, and whoever stays between Jared and Cameron. America agrees.
12:52 PM BBT – Cirie tells Cory that she is nervous to talk to America. Cory says the funny thing is, America was nervous about talking to Jared earlier. Cirie says she’s just nervous because of everything that happened.
1:15 PM BBT – Jared tells Jag that Cameron has already told him that he plans on playing on Thursday. Says that if he won the Ressurection Rumble, he wouldn’t let Cameron play either. Talks turn to how if Jared stays, he sees it as a clean slate for him.
1:20 PM BBT – Jared tells Jag about the conversation he had with Cameron about how they will reintegrate into the house if they come back in. Jared says that he has been focusing on reflecting on his game and working on rebuilding his relationships.
1:50 PM BBT – Jag and Jared are going over how it could look over the next few weeks. Jag says if he wins the next HOH, then he doesn’t have to worry going into the following week because he has Jared, Matt, and Blue all playing. Jared says that some of these comps could start favoring players like Cory too.
2:00 PM BBT – Blue is talking to Cory about the conversations she has had with Jared and Cameron over the last few days.
2:04 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie that Cameron is a wildcard. She can’t peg who he would target if he stays in the house.
2:08 PM BBT – Cory tells Blue that he thinks Felicia is a wildcard. He adds that he doesn’t think that Cirie would put Meme and Felicia up. Blue and Cory both agree that they have no idea where Meme would go if she won.
2:18 PM BBT – Cirie tells America that she doesn’t know what people have told her, but she has never felt the need to target her. Says it isn’t good for her game to go after her.
2:28 PM BBT – Cory is talking to Bowie now about his various conversations throughout the day. He tells Bowie that Blue told him that she feels good about Bowie as well as Jag, Matt, and America.
2:36 PM BBT – Cirie and America are talking about winning HOH. Cirie says if she wins, she will prove to America that she is loyal. America and Cirie agree that they will not put each other up as a nom or a replacement if they win HOH.
2:40 PM BBT – Cory tells Bowie that out of Cirie, Felicia, and Meme, he feels the best with Cirie at this point. Bowie says what if Jared stays this week, Cory says that he is just happy he isn’t playing in the HOH. Bowie says if he is and Cory says it will be challenging for him.
2:50 PM BBT – Cory tells Bowie that she is one of his closest allies and as close as he is to Matt and Jag, he knows that Matt and Jag are loyal to each other first before anyone else.
3:00 PM BBT – The talks in the house have turned casual as Blue, Jag, and Jared are cooking in the house and Cirie and America continue chatting about life outside the house.